Who We Are

Our clinic has been serving the Madison community since 1968. As an independent clinic, we focus on maximizing client service while maintaining the highest standards for our clinicians.

The majority of our clinicians:

  • have more than 10 years of experience before joining our clinic
  • stay until retirement
  • are leaders in their field

How do we do it?  We work together with warmth and respect—just the way we treat our clients. Patients are our first priority, but don’t be surprised to see your clinician somewhere else. We make the time to serve the broader Madison community by:

  • service to non-profit mental health organizations
  • training of psychiatry fellows, psychology doctoral students, and social work interns
  • teaching classes, seminars and guest lectures

Today and tomorrow, you will find only the highest level of professional service at one of the longest-lived mental health clinics in the Madison area.